My Team Of Amazing Women Is Living A Healthy Life While Becoming Financially Independent As Social Retailers

We help people switch to non-toxic beauty products.
4 000 000+ customers and their families are healthier by using our non-toxic products
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Who is this for?

Sales women who want to become financially independent
Stay at home moms who want to earn an extra income
Women who are living a clean life and enjoy helping others start living a clean life with non toxic products
"Working with me will allow you to work 100% on your own schedule from wherever you want. And, you will never have to stress about going back to work after maternity leave."


When Lisa called and knowing her for several years, her positive outlook, drive, and personality, I immediately knew I was interested in what she had to share. When Don and I understood the business model that Modere offered and we could work together toward success, we immediately connected.

Marilyn Creek
Modere Solopreneur

"I met Lisa a couple of years ago when I was working as a sales rep. and living a corporate life, where I had to trade my time for money. I am so happy to have started working with Lisa, because I have much more time for my personal life while earning more than I used to when I worked at corporate."

Katherine Moss

Sales representative

"Living a healthy and clean life has so many long term benefits, and I am so happy to share that with people who are unaware that they can replace the products they use with safe, non-toxic ones and see huge difference in their lives."

Joan Higgins



Can someone do this with no experience in the beauty industry?
Yes, l have a system designed for people of all experience levels. I will help you, and guide you to become the best social retailer.
How many people buy your products?
We have over 4 million customers that buy our non-toxic products on a monthly basis, which really tells that we have top notch products people want and need.
Can you tell me more about how you get paid?
We have a completely new business model that no one else is doing on the market. We get paid huge commissions from every product sold, and you as a social retailer get paid 2x per day.
Which our women just love, it's nice when you are having a coffee with your friends and you get a notification that you received x amount of dollars.
Do l have to be in Springfield to start working with you or l can work remotely?
No, my team is all across the country. We have regular meetings where we discuss strategies and have fun. Women in my team love that they have an opportunity to work mainly from their phones and 100% on their own schedule.
How can l start working with you?
First step is to organize a meeting, to see if we are the right fit for each other. In case we decide to start to work together, you will have a training with me, to learn about our products, and start to implement our proven to work sales strategy.

About me

"I have been working online in the beauty industry for the past 6 years.I partnered with Modere because their collagen was a life changer for me.

That's when I realized that there is a much better and healthier alternative to the toxic products that I was using daily.

Now, I help and educate women to switch to non-toxic products they can use as an alternative.As a result, that makes them much healthier, and even more beautiful.

This business allowed me to work 100% on my own schedule, from wherever I wanted, and spend most of the time with my family. All that while becoming a 7 figure earner as a side effect.

The personal growth that comes with being your own boss is really precious, I want all the women to experience this.

I'm not the same person I was 6 years ago when I decided to take a leap of faith with this opportunity. I am much more confident and a better leader, which has made me a better mother & wife.

I have a community of badass women who want to see each other win, and I would like to invite you to join us, I will mentor you and help you succeed in this business"
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Join the team of badass women who want to see each other win!

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Start living your best life. 
Let's have a chat!

Use the calendar to schedule a 30 minute 1:1 meeting with me: